Sunday, December 16, 2012

Study Guide

1. Heart-Symbol of one of theological virtues charity.
2. Desire-A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
3. Ontology-4 truths of the I
4. Reality-The world or the state of things as they actually exist
5. X and arrows- Arrow going across is time, arrows going up is us trying to reach God, X is the unknown, Arrows going down is God trying to reach us.
6. Being-Our existence of who we are
7. I did not create myself, My desires are unlimited, My ablitities are limited, I expect to be happy.

1. Suffering-Experience or be subjected to something bad or unpleasant.
2. Original Sin- The sin that was passed on by Adam and Eve
3. Who administers the sacrament- The bishop
4. Who receives the sacrament-Catholics
5. Apostulate-The position or authority of an Apostle or a religious leader.
6. Theodicy-The vindication of divine goodness and providence in view of the existence of evil.
7. Presbyters- An elder or minister of the Christian Church.
1. Penance-A Christian sacrament in which a member of the Church confesses sins to a priest and is given absolution.
2. Confession-A time in where a sinner confesses a sin to the priest and is forgiven.
3. Forgivenss- The act of reliving resentment for something one has done
4. Conversion- To stop practicing one religion for another.
5. Ten Commandments- Ten rules that God gave Moses that are basic guidline to get into the Kingdom of God.
6. Sin-An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
7. Heresy-Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine.
1. Abortion- The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.
2. Fidelity- Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support
3. Divorce-The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
4. Polygamy-The practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time
5. Family- A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.
6. Intamicy- Close familiarity or friendship; closeness
7. Adultery-Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.
1. Bishops- A senior member of the Christian clergy, typically in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.
2. Pope-The head of the Roman Catholic Church.
3. Priest- An ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform rites and administer sacraments.
4. Deacon-An ordained minister of an order ranking below that of priest.
5. Clergy- The body of all people ordained for religious duties, esp. in the Christian Church.
6. Parish-  A small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor.
7. Grace-Simple elegance or refinement of movement.
1. Definition- A statement of the exact meaning of a word, esp. in a dictionary.
2. Water-A colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid
3. Canidates-A person who applies for a job or is nominated for election.
4. White Garment- A garment you wear after being baptized
5. Baptism name- A name you choose during baptism that you think resembles you
6. Sign of the corss- The name of the father, Son and Holy Spirit.
7. Baptism Candle- The candle that is lit during the baptism
1. Definition- A statement of the exact meaning of a word, esp. in a dictionary.
2. Holy Spirit-The third person of the Trinity; God as spiritually active in the world.
3. History- The study of past events, particularly in human affairs
4. Pentacost-The Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension
5. Sponsor-A person or organization that provides funds or support for a project or activity carried out by another, in particular.
6. Community-A group of people living together in one place, esp. one practicing common ownership:
7. Confirmation name- The name you choose during confirmation you think resembles you
1. Definition- A statement of the exact meaning of a word, esp. in a dictionary.
2. Transcedence-a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience.
3. Eucharist meal- The meal of bread and wine that symbols Jesus at the Last Supper
4. Tabernacle- A habitation, typically of light construction
5. Consecration-a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose (to a service or a goal);
6. Mass-Mass is the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical rites of the Roman Catholic Church.
7. Transubstantiation-The conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ

Monday, December 10, 2012

I Confess 1,2,3,4 (1,460 words)

Maurice Crowell

December 10, 2012

Period 3

I Confess


1. I Confess, a 1950s movie by Alfred Hitchcocks, is a film about solving a murder of a man named Mr. Velet. In the beginning, Mr. Velet is shown dead in his house. Then a mysterious man is walking away from the house with his face hidden. He tells Father Logan about what he had just done. Father Logan vows to not tell the police about what Keller had done. After the police find Keller’s body, they receive information that a priest had done the murder from two small girls walking by the house. After receiving that information, they talked to every single Father in the area. They end up having zero suspects. Larrue talks to Logan and Logan had a chance to turn Keller in. But he doesn’t, he vowed to not tell that Keller committed the murder. Then Larrue thought Logan might have committed the murder. After a long investigation with Logan, Ruth, and Pierre, Logan gets let off the hook. That is, until Larrue is not sold on Ruth’s explanation. Ruth tells Logan that they were going to arrest him, so he takes a long walk. Larrue calls police to go after Logan because he thinks that he is fleeing because he committed the crime. Later, Logan arrives at Larrue’s office and they go to court. After going through court, Logan is not guilty. While Logan leaves the court room, he is mobbed by angry people over the results, Keller’s wife feels sorry for him and was about to tell the truth to the murder. Keller kills his wife so she can’t tell then flees. The police look after him and the shoot him after he refuses to back down with his gone.

In all honesty, this was one of the best movies I have ever seen. The 1950s music got a little annoying at times, but you can’t blame that since it was made in the 50s. The suspense of the movie, the twist and turns, and the feeling of “What is going to happen next” really made this a great movie. Even if a person in my class doesn’t want to watch this movie, you should at least do the extra credit to get the points while watching the movie, because it is well worth watching.

2. Logan remained faithful to Keller throughout the entire movie. There could have been countless times that Logan could have turned in Keller for what he did. However he didn’t because Keller told him in confession. What happens in confession stays in confession, no matter how bad the thing that the person did. Keller made sure about that while he was in confession with Logan after the murder. Logan was just trying to be the best priest that he could be, and was trying to save Keller from what he had done in the past.

In the end of the movie, both Keller and his wife die. Keller shoots his wife, and one of Larrue’s teammates shot Keller so he would drop his gone. At the instant before Keller’s wife died, she asked Logan for forgiveness. She thinks that God shows a lot of mercy for the bad things that people do. Also, during the death of Keller, he also asks for forgiveness before he dies. Both of these instances project forgiveness. With forgiveness, mercy also shows in the end of both of the deaths. God shows a lot of mercy as he is a merciful God; they are asking for mercy on what Keller has done to the people he has killed.

The ending of the movie was a great ending. It ends with Keller asking for forgiveness. However, if I was the director I would have ended the movie a little differently. Larrue wanted Keller alive so he told his teammate to shoot Keller in the shoulder. He did this so Keller would stay alive and so he would drop his gun. After the teammate shot Keller the second time, I would have had Keller still alive and would have went to court or the killing of the wife, chef in the kitchen (This right here shows that I watched the movie), and Mr. Velet. Then he would have went to jail for what he did, and Logan would not have been mobbed liked that since they would have the real killer on trial and in jail.

3. Hitchcock was a huge catholic. In almost every scene in the movie there was at least one cross. With that, a priest is not supposed to break the seal of confession. What happens in confession stay in confession. He had the main character Logan; go through the whole entire movie keeping the seal of Keller’s confession. It got so bad the Logan could not even safe himself from the investigations that were happening against him. Logan put his own life on the line by not saying anything. Larrue asked him questions about the murder, but Logan refused to give good answers that would end up getting Keller caught. He also did the same thing in the courtroom by not telling his side of the story.

During the movie, he used a lot of religious imagery to be portrayed out during his movie. He shows that good and evil is in the hearts of everyone. The imagery that he used dealt with churches, icons, and men of the cloth. In all of his films, he usually has a man that is accused of a crime that he did not commit. What that is called is “Transference of guilt”. This here is directed towards Jesus Christ on how he was an innocent man. He did exactly what he was supposed to do. Just like Logan, he was an innocent man and did exactly what he was supposed to do. However, Jesus was accused of a crime he did not commit and ended up paying the price by dying for our sins. In the movie, Logan was accused of a crime he did not commit. He had to go down with Keller’s sins on his back because he was not going to tell the police what happened. So technically, you can say that Logan went down with Keller’s sins up to the part where he was deemed innocent. However it was not over yet for Logan. Before he went looking for Keller, he was being attacked by mobs of people; just liked Jesus was attacked by people who said he was fake and accused of pretending to be Christ, even though he was Christ. In addition, Hitchcock does a good job in showing that even the innocent people have a dark side, as Logan did have a bad side when he was caught having an quick affair with Ruth and when he was in a fight with Mr. Velet.

4. It’s a tough call to be in the priest position here. You obviously want to be the best priest that you can be by not telling the secret that Keller told you. However, you also don’t want to go to jail for what somebody else did. If I was Logan, I would have turned Keller in on what he did. I wouldn’t have been as strong as Logan was to hold all of that stuff in just to keep his promise. However, no matter what I did though, I would have thought I would have been doing the right thing. The reason is because if I don’t tell the police, then I am keeping my seal of confession. But, if I do tell the police, then I am doing God’s duty by turning in a murder. In addition to all of this, I would have turned him in because I don’t think I could have gone through all of the stuff that Keller went through. He had to tell all of his personal business, and go through being attacked by mobs of people. He did all that to just keep one promise. I would not been able to go through all of that torture just to help save one life. Logan really proved though how determined and committed to being a priest. You could also tell how hard it was for Logan to do what he did. While he was in the church, Keller tried to talk to him to see if Logan had told the police on the murder. Logan didn’t say anything to Keller and just went to walk for a moment. If that was me, I don’t know if I could have held in all of my emotions to just turn away and walk. Then on top of that, he never told, I would have told a long time ago.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Carroll-She went by Gently

1. In the story it is seen throughout that the woman loves the girl. She soothed her when she could and she also acting in some form of a mother-figure.

2. In the end of the story, we learn that the baby dies. However, the mother still says that she had saved the baby. What does she mean by this? She means that she saved the baby in the regards to God. The baby will now go to heaven and live with him.

3. The author is trying to say that the woman is strong. Also that the woman can overcome a lot of things that have happened in her life.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Universal Call to Holiness

Msgr. Luigi Giussani states: "[T.S. Eliot] asked himself "Has the Church failed mankind, or has mankind failed the Church?" . . . Both, both, because first and foremost it is mankind who failed the Church, because if I need something, I chase after it if it goes away. No one chased after it . . . The Church began to fail mankind, as I see it . . . because she forgot who Christ was, she did not rely on..., she was ashamed of Christ, of saying who Christ is."(Interview, 2004)

For all Christians, the fundamental vocation is holiness. The fundamental vocation applies to every single Christian no matter what kind of status that they are in. In regards to the call to holiness, that is something that the church has already done in the past time and time again. The Church is the holy people of God; in addition to that, the members within the church are called saints, or holy persons. Towards the church, it is held in a matter of faith and to be unfailingly holy. Reason for this is because God and the Holy Spirit are regarded as “alone holy”.

So now the big question is what exactly is holiness? It means that the church is holy, also that the members of the church are holy. Also, we are participation in the divine nature.  Holiness is also a property of divine nature and nothing else is a part of that. This information was given to us by the First Commandment. Then it is fundamentally given to us through Jesus Christ, who is the divine Word of God. As then Jesus and God’s nature unites into a personal union. The two natures are united into the Word of God.

Now the big puzzle comes back into the conversation. In baptism, it is said that we are made by the members of Christ’s body. However, if we are baptized through the body which is unfailing holy, how can anything be perfect? Wasn’t holiness, given us the members of Christ body, perfect itself. Baptism gives us new life through Christ, and then we become adoptive sons and daughters of the All-Mighty father, members of the church and the temples of the Holy Spirit. Because of this, every person who is baptized is incorporated into the Church. Also, with baptism, it brings about the death of sin, and the entry into the life of the Most Holy Trinity throughout configuration to the mystery of Christ.

With baptism, we are formed into Christ likeness. So whoever has been made in the likeness of him have died and also risen with, then they are taking up into the mysteries of his life until we end up reigning with him. With Christian theology, it has traditionally considered such biblical events as the crossing of the red sea as baptism. That is how the Catechism talks about how baptism works. The crossing of the red sea was the liberation for Israel from slavery, and also the liberation of baptism.

The people of Israel were enslaved by the Egyptian people. However, God delivered his people from Egypt. Then the crucial images of the Egyptian people from the plaques the fire from God, were all liberation for Israel. As Moses said, they were going to get out of the situation that God said they would get out of. That is exactly what happened to them, and this is recalled as a baptism for Israel. Then after, they were free from the Egyptians as baptized people are free from sin.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Distance Learning #3

1. Ludwig does not understand the importance of the sacraments. He believes that the sacraments shun those who don’t fit into each category. He says that he thought God's love is universal.

2. The church does not propose sacraments to deny God's universal love and will to save. It also does not hold the unbaptized people denied salvation either.

3. The redemption of Christ and the possibility of salvation for each person are maintained by the church against various Christian sects who assert that Christ has only redeemed a few or that God actively desires the damnation of certain people.

4. God gives everybody salvation. It is a relationship between God and the human. It is up to the persons will if he will enter that relationship or not.

5. The Christian doctrine that is the foundation of all the sacraments is the doctrine of "Spirituality".

6. Spirituality often speaks as though God is a sort of extended ether in the cosmos and that he would never sully himself with the crudeness of matter.

7. Spiritual snobbery is the announcement that God likes matter a lot.

8. Jesus died on the cross to save our sins. It was a very gruesome experience. However, after he did this, he died. Then he returned to pure spirituality.

9. A sacrament is more than just a symbol. It is also a sign. With both of these things, the signs and the symbols are also sacred.

10. He is saying the difference between something visible and sacred to something invisible and sacred, is like saying something sacred to a regular thing.

11. It makes God, God. The fact that he can’t be away from us, he can’t sit up in Heaven so far away from us. He needs to be omnipresent and around us at all times.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Distance Learning 2

What is the Divine Sense of humor. It is a really sacred thing dealing with God. It works through humans, with the image of God. He gives an example that is directly through Jesus. Jesus went to the temple to see what had been going on. Many people were buying and trading in God's house. Jesus went out to destroy many of the tables and selling places that people used to buy and sell in the temple in God's house. After that he tells them to destroy the temple. Then he said that he would rebuild the temple in three days. Jesus was talking with the Divine Sense of Humor in his speech. He was also talking through God. So what is it, it is the acknowledge between man and God. God working through the man, to get out what the message is, and to relay the message to all who are listening.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Distance Learning

1987- We'll ask the preachers to pray for her. He's healed a lot of folks. The reverend Bevel Summers. Maybe she ought to see him sometimes.

1988- She stood looking down at him as if he had become a marvel to her. ''I'II have to see you meet him today,'' she said. ''He's no ordinary preacher.  He's a healer.  He couldn't do nothing for Mr. Connin though.  Mr. Connin didn't have the faith but he said he would try anything once.  He had this griping in his gut.''

1989- ''That's Bevel,'' Mrs. Connin said, taking of her coat. ''It's a coincident he's named the same as the preacher.  These boys are J. C., Spivey, and Sinclair, and that's Sarah Mildred on the porch.  Take of that coat and hang it on the bed post, Bevel.''

1990- ''Git away!” Mrs. Connin shouted. “that one yonder favors Mr. Pamdise that has the gas station,'' she said. “You'll see him today at the healing.  He's got the cancer over his ear.  He always comes to show he ain't been healed.''

1991-  If he had thought about it before, he would have thought Jesus Christ was a word like ''oh'' or ''damn'' or “God,'' or maybe somebody who had cheated them out of something sometime.  When he had asked Mrs. Connin who the man in the sheet in the picture over her bed was, she had looked at him a while with her mouth open.  Then she had said, ''That's Jesus,'' and she had kept on looking at him.

1992- ''The Life of Jesus Christ for Readers Under Twelve.''  Then she read him the book.

1993- ''If you ain't come for Jesus, you ain't come for me.  If you just come to see can you leave your pain in the river, you ain't come for Jesus.  You can't leave your pain in the river,'' he said. “I never told nobody that.'' He stopped and looked down at his knees.

1994- His voice grew soft and musical.  “All the rivers come from that one River and go back to it like it was the ocean sea and if you believe, you can lay your pain in that River and get rid of it because that's the River that was made to carry sin.  It's a River full of pain itself, pain itself, moving toward the Kingdom of Christ, to be washed away, slow, you people, slow as this here old red water river round my feet.

1995- ”I know from my own self-experience,'' a woman's mysterious voice called from the knot of people, “I know from it that this preacher can heal.  My eyes have been opened! I testify to Jesus!”

1996- ''Listen,'' Mrs. Connin said, ''have you ever been Baptized, Bevel?''

He only grinned.

“I suspect he ain't ever been Baptized,'' Mrs. Connin said, raising her eyebrows at the preacher.

''Swang him over here,'' the preacher said and took a stride forward and caught him.
1997- “If I Baptize you,'' the preacher said, ''you'll be able to go to the Kingdom of Christ.  You'll be washed in the river of suffering, son, and you'll go by the deep river of life.  Do you want that?''
1998- His mother sat straight up. “Well the nerve!'' she muttered.
“Furthermore,'' Mrs. Connin said, ''he’s a healer and he prayed for you to be healed.''
''Healed!'' she almost shouted.  “Healed of what for Christ's sake?''
“Of your affliction,'' Mrs. Connin said icily.
1999- ”I know from my own self-experience,'' a woman's mysterious voice called from the knot of people, “I know from it that this preacher can heal.  My eyes have been opened! I testify to Jesus!”
2000- The father had returned with the money and was standing near Mrs. Connin waiting to give it to her.  His eyes were lined with red threads.  “Go on, go on,'' he said, “I want to hear more about her affliction.  The exact nature of it has escaped . . .''  He waved the bill and his voice trailed off.  ''Healing by prayer is mighty inexpensive.'' he murmured.
2001- ''Come here, Harry,'' his mother said.  He automatically lifted his direction toward her without opening his eye any farther. ''Tell me what happened today,'' she said when he reached her.  She began to pull off his coat.
2002- “Don't let George go off with that,'' his girl said.
“I tell you it's valuable,'' George said. “1832.''
2003- He shut his eye and heard her voice from a long way away, as if he were under the river and she on top of it.  She shook his shoulder.  “Harry,'' she said, leaning down and putting her mouth to his ear, “tell me what he said.'' She pulled him into a sitting position and he felt as if he had been drawn up from under the river. ''Tell me,'' she whispered and her bitter breath covered his face. 
2004- He got up and tiptoed into their bedroom and stood in the dim light there, looking for her pocketbook.  His glance posed her long pale arm hanging off the edge of the bed down to the floor, and across the white mound his father made, and past the crowded bureau, until it rested on the pocketbook hung on the back of a chair.  He took a car-token out of it and half a package of Life Savers.  Then he left the apartment and caught the car at the corner.  He hadn't taken a suitcase because there was nothing from there he wanted to keep.
2005- Mr. Paradise’s head appeared from time to time on the surface of the water. Finally, far downstream, the old man rose like some ancient water monster and stood empty-handed, staring with his dull eyes as far down the river line as he could see.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Man Without a Face

Norstadt starts off his journey by not knowing anything about McLeod.  Many of his friends that he had talked to did not know him and were giving Norstadt false information about McLeod. However, Norstadt had to find himself a teacher in order for him to pass his test that was coming up. He wanted to pass the test so that people would think of him as a genius and so that he would not have to stay home with his current family. So as he finally begins to talk to McLeod he does not know what to expect. All he does know is that he needs a teacher in order for him to do well on the test that he has to take.

As many rumors circled around about McLeod, Norstadt did not believe them because of the trust that the two developed together. They both gained this trust because of the constant amount of work that they did together. Also, Norstadt was beginning to not only look at McLeod as a teacher, but also as a father figure. Reason he was doing this was because, Norstadt’s father was a man who always got drunk and had many problems over his life. He also died when Norstadt was just three years old. So Norstadt basically grew up without a father in his life. So as he received the teachings from McLeod, the more Norstadt grew up into McLeod as a person that he could look up to as a father type figure.

Near the end of the movie, the rumors got even more intense. Norstadt’s mother told him about the time McLeod had abused another boy in the past. That was the reason that McLeod had isolated himself from the town. He was only able to buy his groceries at night when everybody was gone. Norstadt didn’t want to believe his mother, but his mother began to bring the police into the situation after Norstadt said something he should not have. His mom asked him if McLeod had ever touched him. Not understanding the context of the question his mother had asked, he ended up saying that he did touch him. However, he did not mean sexually, but that was the context of his mother’s question. So, his mom ended up contacting the police about the situation. After the police were notified, they gave Norstadt an attorney to talk to. However, it did not make much of a difference because Norstadt did not say much so that event got the police nowhere.

Norstadt winds up stealing his mom’s fiancée’s car in order to drive to McLeod’s house. He ended up asking him the big question on if McLeod abused the boy in the past.  McLeod did not answer the question but asked Norstadt to answer is himself. He had already told Norstadt that he got the scar from a car crash with the boy in the car. Norstadt continues to tell McLeod that he will believe him if he just answers the question. However, McLeod asks him if he had ever laid a hand on him but friendship, and to answer the question himself. Norstadt thinks about the question and realizes that McLeod did not abuse the boy. He was just accused of it because the boy was in the car during the car crash. This keeps the friendship strong between the two as now Norstadt knows the truth among the situation.

After that event, McLeod was then going to attend court; however he was lied to and told that it was just a meeting. During the court, the prosecutors try to see why McLeod had any type of relationship with Norstadt. They end up trying to hide the question at the end on if he had ever abused the boy. After the question comes up, McLeod goes on a rampage on their question. In the end he ultimately tells them that he did not abuse the boy at all. He was just trying to tutor a boy who was in need of help so he could pass his exam. There was not anything else to the situation but a second chance for McLeod. After court, he is told that he is no longer allowed to have any type of communications with Norstadt.  So he does the thing that everybody wants him to do. He ends up moving to a different place and leaves Norstadt a note. He also ends up at Norstadt’s graduation, and that is how the movie ends.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Does it Mean to know Something

To know something is something that you are familiar with. You get this through experience. You can’t just know something out of nowhere just because somebody told you. Then you are just copying their answer; however you don’t really know that thing that they are talking about. To know something has to deal with the experiences you had with the particular subject. When you know something, you are able to give a proven truth about the subject or object that has been put into the category of concern.

For Example, a man is getting ready to ride a motorcycle for the first time. His friend tells him about all the things he can do on the motorcycle, and how much fun it is. However, the man doesn’t agree with his friend all the way yet because he has never experienced being on a motorcycle ever in his life. That is until the day he gets on the motorcycle for the first time. Once he gets on he likes it and has a thrill. He ends up riding for more the two hours. He now has the experience to give proven facts about the ride on the motorcycle. Now he knows about the motorcycle.

So, in order to be able to know something, and give facts about something, you have to get your own experience from it first. You can’t just take what somebody else says and have that as the correct answer. Experience in something is always the correct answer.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


1. The narrator is not looking forward to seeing the blind man because he thinks very stereotypical about blind people. He says they move slowly and never laugh, and that they have seeing eyed dogs. He also said this because of things that he saw in movies. This says that the narrator's character is terrible for judging on stereotypes.

2. The wife thought that is was so interesting about the blind man touching her face that she wrote a poem about it. The blind man is trying to feel what she looks like so she is being seen by him. It also could be a sense of attention as she attempts suicide.

3. It means to make that person's friend, your friend. So you do whatever it takes to make them seem very comfortable and try to make them your friend also.

4. The blind man never got to physically see what Beulah looked like, but he did see her mentally and emotionally. They ended up getting married together and had relations with each other. He also unfortunately had to bury her from her loss against cancer.

5. The characters smoke pot so that they can relax themselves. It reveals that they like to be laid back people and not all energetic.

6. Churches reveal that God is the only God and that he is the Almighty God. In churches they also have statues of the son Jesus, and he came to save us from our sins.

7. The narrator doesn’t see anything at the end of the story. He says that he knew he was in his house but he wasn’t in anything. He also has trouble describing the Cathedral because he can’t see it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Extra Credit-Freedom

One time when I felt free was when I first got my license and I took my car to a quiet road. I was able to go as fast as I wanted and start doing donuts in the lot. I was also blasting my music as loud as I could. I didn’t have to worry about anything at that moment in time because the road hardly ever gets any cars. As I was driving, the thought of cops never came into my mind, my parents weren’t home and they already knew I left the house, and I didn’t have any responsibilities to fill. It was just me, my car, and my music for about an hour of nonstop fun. Well that is, until I needed gas. So I then went to get some gas, and then proceeded to go back to the same spot and do it again for another thirty minutes. It was an incredibly fun day because I didn’t worry about anything. I just had to relax and have fun.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Wonder is thinking about all the possibilities that something can do. Your imagination can go wild when wondering about something. In my experience, I would wonder about driving a car when I was young. The reason I would do that is because when I was six, I had a lot of toy cars. I have over one hundred cars and I used to play with them all. So if I had this assignment when I was six, I would go on and on about the fun times I had playing with my cars. I would race them; put them into those "Hot Wheels" courses and many other things. It would just be a medley of fun. However, since I'm older and I can know drive a car, I have lost my edge to play with all my cars. I also know that now that the cars aren’t real, as before when I was six I thought that my cars had somewhat of a mind since I named them all according to how they looked. According to St. Gregory of Nyssa, I do believe concepts create idols. It gives everybody something to believe along their imagination that only wonder can create. I have experienced this with the cars because the concepts of my cars got me interested in cars as general.

Monday, September 17, 2012

This Is Water

I think that every human is a different person. They have a different mind, body, instincts ect. So no matter what appears in front of the person, their minds process of finding an answer is different from any person in the world. Reason is because we all have different minds. So every day in a person life, he will be confronted with a question that he has to answer. Or, he will be giving something where he will have to make a choice. So within every choice a certain person makes, it will make him engage the world differently. So I think David Foster Wallace hits the point dead on.

The way you engage a certain choice is the steps your mind goes through. Your values of certain things also help in this decision making. A person that has different values than another person might choose something different than the other person. Reason is because in both of the men/women lives, they might think that what they are doing is correct. Also, if a person thinks what they are doing is right, it’s extremely hard for them or anybody to get them to change their mind.

The way I engage this choice is I weigh my values. I try to think about what is right and what is wrong. My decision could be right or wrong in different people’s eyes, but in my eyes, my choice is correct. Which is why I think that arguing with another person is irrelevant because it’s really hard to change a person’s mind unless you give direct proof that they can see, hear, and touch.

The way I would like to engage this choice is by making the right choice. However, in my eyes, whatever choice I make, I believe is the right choice. So I am already fulfilling what I hope to achieve. However, that doesn’t mean that the choice that I make, is the correct choice among society. To me, I don’t always want to have the same choice of society though, because if I did and everybody in the world had the same perspective, the whole world would be the same. There would no diversity at all if that would happen. To add that all together, nobody’s earth life would mean anything. The only life that would mean something is the life after death with God.

The people would clap at the wrong moments because they are getting the wrong point of the message. They don’t really know what David is talking about. However, it is hard to understand him without some text in front of you. Reason is David uses an incredible amount of double entendres in the message he is giving.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


1. During the play, Camus shows Caligula's heart by showing how sad Caligula is about the death of his sister. His sister was also his lover, so that makes the situation even worst. When Caligula was talking to Helicon, he told him that he wanted the moon. With the moon, it meant that he wanted happiness or eternal life. He also says that it may sound crazy, but it isn't impossible. So Camus shows that his heart is big from the death of his sister.

2. While the Patricians were talking to each other about Caligula, they asked if him leaving had anything to do about his dead sister. While they were talking, the old Patrician said "For one girl dead, a dozen living ones". Also, the first Patrician said "I lost my wife last year. I shed many tears, and then I forgot". The Patricians don't think that Caligula should be so sad over a girl since there are more. I don’t think of it that way. As I do believe there are a lot of girls in the world, to have your sister and lover die is terrible. So, I don’t agree with how the Patricians view of Caligula.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

As simple as a textbook

The textbook has the word Precalculus on the front. It is very smooth and it is in the shape of a square. The book has a left side of a cover, and the right side is covered in pages. I have to open the front of the book to get into the books pages. The pages in the book are very flimsy and easy to tear so I must be careful. I see a lot of numbers and equations in the book so it must be a math book. In the book it has problems for me to do and words for me to read. That is as simple as a textbook is.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


My happiness consists of everything I do. To put that into more detail is that everything that I do, I always want it to end up in a position in where I am happy. Why do I turn my alarm clock off in the morning? Because I want to get rid of the noise, and getting rid of the noise will ultimately make me happy. Why do I do my homework even though I don't want to? Because if I do my homework, I get a good grade in my class, and that will always make me happy. Why do I go to school even though some days I don't want to? Because if I go to school and get into college, then end up getting a good job, I’m going to end up happy. So with everything that I do, Its going to end up with me being happy in the end.

Nothing makes me happier when I have the opportunity to just sit and do nothing even though most of the time that is during the summer. During the school year, I usually never get to have that luxury since every day I have to do some type of homework or a project that is always weighing over my mind. I can never just sit and relax without thinking to myself "When am I going to get this done or that done". So by time summer hits, I can do that. That is until I figure out what I have to do for my summer work, then those questions begin to revolve around my head again. To have something weighing on your mind while you’re trying to sit and do nothing is a very unpleasant feeling. So, what I do to counter that is I end up doing the work and during the summer; I do work every day so I won’t have to deal with the work always popping up in my brain.

Like every person in the world, you always want to be as happy as possible. When you’re happy, you have a better mind state than if you were in any other type of mood. So I try to surround myself among happy situations. That could be around other people that are happy, getting something done so that I can relax is a happy mind state, or doing an activity that makes me happy. The funnest activity I love to do is to play my Xbox. It is stress relieving, and fun to just play with your friends over the internet. I also love to play basketball and football with other people. Going out and playing a sport is always a thing that helps me get away from everyday life and just makes me happy because of something I like to do. So basically, anything that I like to do will make m happy. So this is what my happiness consist of, and it is what I like to do to make me feel better as a person.

Who Am I?

They have asked me this question about five times in a span of three days. Yet, I don't have a dignified answer towards this question. Well that is until now. Your name and your age is not a definition of who you are. People across the world have the same name you do; also many people in the world are the same age as you. The most common male name in the U.S is James, and more than four million people have that same name. So when you are asked, "Who are you", what is the answer. Well, I will give you my answer to that question.

I am an individual with a mindset that cannot be predicted. Usually you can tell what somebody is going to just by the way they act. However, in my case, that doesn't always happen. I look at different perspectives and can change my mind or view about anything in an instant, as long as it makes sense. So, you can also say that I'm not bias towards anything. To prove that, I always think that my work is never good enough. Many people say "Wow this is great and I did a great job". I never say that. I'm "OCD" towards my work so I never think its good enough. That is the reason why whenever I get a compliment from anything, I usually shrug it off because I don't ever think that it is true. So, in my mind, that is who I think that I am.

The thing that is most valuable to me in my life is my relationship with God (I didn't know if you meant objective feature or anything). I've went as far asking God to save me twice just in case he didn't hear me the first time. You can put that towards my "OCD" nature. Just like every human, I sometimes forget to pray every night, or I don't do enough to strengthen my relationship with him, but I try my hardest to make it strong with Him day in and day out.

I have different religious beliefs usually from the next person. I don't ever say that I am a Catholic, or Baptist, Protestant, Muslim, or any of the religions out there. What I say is that I am a firm believer in God and Jesus. I also believe what the Bible says and I usually don't try to interpret it unless there is an obvious interpretation. An example is forgiving your neighbor 70 x 7. So, I just say I believe in Christ and want to go to heaven.

I am a proud African-American and my whole family is the same. To realize what my ancestors had to go through to have the world as it is today is amazing. In my lifetime I will never be able to thank them enough because of the life I live today. I'm free to go to school, sit anywhere I want, eat anywhere I want with no penalty. So my cultural background is very important to me.

My hope in life is that I either want to do something I love, as my dream job is to work for EA Sports. Or, I want to be meaningful in life. What I mean by meaningful is that I want to inspire other people’s lives. I have yet to figure out how I am going to do this, but I don't want to leave this earth feeling like I didn't do anything to help the world grow. When I die, I want to leave the earth knowing that I did something that benefited the world as a whole.